Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling Techniques in Economics
ISSN 2415-3516
Intellectual capital management of the business community based on the neuro-fuzzy hybrid system
Abstract: The modern economy needs to address the issue of assessing intellectual capital as the basis for the development of market relations. The search for ways to solve this problem is possible based on the use of soft methods. The aim of the article is to develop a structural model for managing the intellectual capital of the business community based on an appropriate neuro-fuzzy system. Developed on the basis of soft computing methods, an innovative model for estimating intellectual capital of the business community is able to process “non-rigorous”, incomplete or distorted input data, work with qualitative concepts, ambiguous and uncertain statements, perform operations with weak formalized economic parameters. The experimental results obtained made it possible to formulate the methods for evaluating the intellectual capital of business communities (or other similar economic systems) characterized by fuzzy relations between input and output parameters, considerable difficulties in formalizing the factors of influence, capability of using linguistic experts’ statements for building an information and analytical system, etc. The developed hybrid neuro-fuzzy system “Board” for evaluating intellectual capital of a business community enables to process both quantitative and qualitative input data, and was built up according to the criteria of digital economy transformation projects.
Ключові слова:
Key words: intellectual capital, management, modeling, fuzzy logic, business community
JEL: C45 M12 O34
To cite paper
In APA style
Kozlovskyi, S., Syniehub, P., Kozlovskyi, A., & Lavrov, R. (2022). Intellectual capital management of the business community based on the neuro-fuzzy hybrid system. Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling Techniques in Economics, 11, 25-47.
In MON style
., Синєгуб П.С., ., Лавров Р.В. Intellectual capital management of the business community based on the neuro-fuzzy hybrid system. Нейро-нечіткі технології моделювання в економіці. 2022. № 11. С. 25-47. (дата звернення: 26.01.2025).
With transliteration
Kozlovskyi, S., Syniehub, P., Kozlovskyi, A., Lavrov, R. (2022) Intellectual capital management of the business community based on the neuro-fuzzy hybrid system. Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling Techniques in Economics, no. 11. pp. 25-47. (accessed 26 Jan 2025).
# 11 / 2022
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