Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling Techniques in Economics
ISSN 2415-3516
Modeling the values of reflexive characteristics of agents within the management of herd behavior at the enterprises
Abstract: The central place at the formation of agent behavior at enterprises is the study of decision-making procedures and factors that mediate their choice. To determine the values of the reflexive characteristics of agents in the framework of management of herd behavior at enterprises a new approach is proposed based on questionnaire methods, the apparatus of the theory of fuzzy sets and neural network modeling.
The determination of the values of reflexive characteristics of agents is carried out by the formation of fuzzy sets in the framework of the theory of L. Zadeh based on the results of a questionnaire of agents in selected areas. The agents are distributed by the Kohonen map into groups in order to numerically determine the values of their reflexive characteristics based on formed fuzzy sets. An important applied value in interpreting the results of the Kohonen SOM clustering is the ability to obtain representatives of specific clusters and average values of their characteristics, which are determined by the parameters of the network neurons and represent cluster centers. As a result of the clustering of input data vectors by directions of determining the values of the reflexive characteristics of agents, typical values of the required parameters are obtained for agents-representatives of clusters. The values of the reflexive characteristics of agents can be used to evaluate the results of decision-making by agents using the functions of reflexive choice to ensure effective management of manifestations of herd behavior at enterprises.
The proposed modeling methodology will allow to identify the prerequisites for the manifestation of herd behavior at enterprises and the potential circle of agents for the formation of adequate managing actions in the process of ensuring effective management of herd behavior and achieving the goals of the enterprise.
Ключові слова:
Key words: modeling, reflexive characteristics, agent, herd behavior, enterprise, questionnaires, fuzzy sets, self-organizing map
JEL: C02 C45 C52 C53 D91
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In APA style
Turlakova, S. (2022). Modeling the values of reflexive characteristics of agents within the management of herd behavior at the enterprises. Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling Techniques in Economics, 11, 48-77.
In MON style
Турлакова С. Modeling the values of reflexive characteristics of agents within the management of herd behavior at the enterprises. Нейро-нечіткі технології моделювання в економіці. 2022. № 11. С. 48-77. (дата звернення: 19.09.2024).
With transliteration
Turlakova, S. (2022) Modeling the values of reflexive characteristics of agents within the management of herd behavior at the enterprises. Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling Techniques in Economics, no. 11. pp. 48-77. (accessed 19 Sep 2024).
# 11 / 2022
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