Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling Techniques in Economics
ISSN 2415-3516
Enterprise strategies stratification based on the fuzzy matrix approach
Abstract: A stratification model of enterprise strategies on the basis of tools of fuzzy set theory and fuzzy matrix analysis was developed. Classic methods of strategic diagnostics of the company, fuzzy methods of multi-criteria evaluation (Fuzzy Extension of Simplified Best-Worst Method (Fuzzy SBWM) and Fuzzy SAW) and fuzzy matrices were used to achieve the goals set. The classic Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) criteria were used to make a strategic choice. The developed model is based on defined term sets of expert linguistic assessments (8-level – for determining the importance of SWOT factors and 7-level – for evaluating strategic alternatives) with their subsequent conversion into fuzzy numbers with triangular membership functions. The Fuzzy SBWM was used to calculate the importance of SWOT factors for each area of analysis, and the Fuzzy SAW method was used to determine the fuzzy integral evaluations of strategic alternatives for these areas. Strategic alternatives were positioned in fuzzy matrices “O – T” and “S – W” using the α-section. Stratification of strategies is based on the superposition of fuzzy matrices and the application of production rules for the obtained integral fuzzy estimates of strategic alternatives. The framework has been developed in the Excel software application to carry out calculations according to this approach, which contains the following components: a block for entering linguistic expert information (for each direction of analysis and evaluation of strategic alternatives) and transforming these linguistic data into fuzzy numbers in a triangular form, a block for calculating factor weighting coefficients by best and worst approaches and their fuzzy integral values, a block for calculating fuzzy values of strategies in the directions of “opportunities-threats” and “strengths-weaknesses” at different values of α-section, a block of production rules for stratification of strategies to carry out calculations according to this approach. The methodical approach enables the top management of the enterprise to determine the weighting coefficients of the SWOT factors and identify the list of preferable strategic alternatives for implementation.
Ключові слова:
Key words: fuzzy set theory, fuzzy matrix analysis, linguistic variable, term set, strategy stratification, fuzzy SBWM, fuzzy SAW method
JEL: C51 C63 D04
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In APA style
Balan, V. (2022). Enterprise strategies stratification based on the fuzzy matrix approach. Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling Techniques in Economics, 11, 124-156.
In MON style
Балан В. Enterprise strategies stratification based on the fuzzy matrix approach. Нейро-нечіткі технології моделювання в економіці. 2022. № 11. С. 124-156. (дата звернення: 26.01.2025).
With transliteration
Balan, V. (2022) Enterprise strategies stratification based on the fuzzy matrix approach. Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling Techniques in Economics, no. 11. pp. 124-156. (accessed 26 Jan 2025).
# 11 / 2022
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